Is Social Anxiety a Disability?

Is Social Anxiety a Disability?

Social anxiety can have a disruptive influence on a person’s ability to live a full and satisfying life. But does this disorder qualify someone for special protection, financial support, or other legally mandated services? In other words, is social anxiety a...
About Apotemnophilia

About Apotemnophilia

Thankfully, decades of awareness efforts have increased compassion and reduced stigma toward people who have anxiety, depression, and many other mental health concerns. However, individuals who have rare or complex mental health needs often do not receive the same...
What is Debilitating Anxiety Like?

What is Debilitating Anxiety Like?

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health concerns in the United States and throughout the rest of the world. In some cases, anxiety produces mild to moderate symptoms that people are able to manage with medication and occasional outpatient therapy. In...
What Are Hallucinations?

What Are Hallucinations?

Hallucinations are distressing experiences that can undermine a person’s ability to accurately perceive their environment, effectively interact with others, and otherwise engage in a full and satisfying life. What are Hallucinations? Hallucinations are sensory...
Frequently Asked Questions About Anxiety

Frequently Asked Questions About Anxiety

If you want to learn more about anxiety, you have come to the right place. In today’s post, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about anxiety disorders. What Causes Anxiety? There is no single, universal cause of anxiety. Several factors, including...