About Apotemnophilia

About Apotemnophilia

Thankfully, decades of awareness efforts have increased compassion and reduced stigma toward people who have anxiety, depression, and many other mental health concerns. However, individuals who have rare or complex mental health needs often do not receive the same...
Mental Health Checklist for College Students

Mental Health Checklist for College Students

The college years can be a time of inspiration, growth, and opportunity. They can also be filled with stress, pressure, and anxiety. When you follow a simple mental health checklist for college students, you can maximize your ability to have a successful experience...
Mental Health Activities for 2023

Mental Health Activities for 2023

Many people don’t think much about their mental health until a crisis occurs. Unfortunately, but the time a problem becomes evident, considerable damage may already have occurred. When you make mental health activities a part of your daily life, you may be able to...
Why is My Mental Health Getting Worse?

Why is My Mental Health Getting Worse?

The question is deceptively simple: Why is my mental health getting worse? The answer can be quite complex, and it may involve genetics, events from your past, your physical health, the quality of your relationships, and myriad additional concerns. But don’t let these...